Nancy Libby

Nancy Libby has been making art for more than 30 years. Her dream of being an artist began with her enrollment in the Fine Arts program at UMASS Amherst in the early 80’s. That dream gave way to a profession in the software development world but she never lost her desire to be a full-time artist. Fast forward to 2020 when Nancy was able to move to a part-time position in order to focus her energy on making art more central in her life.

Nancy’s focus is abstract expressionism, using multiple mark-making tools and techniques. Nancy spends much of her spare time hiking in the woods near her home in Brookline Vermont. “The woods are where I gain focus, figure things out, make plans, and recharge”.

Nancy’s most recent solo show “Many layers of expression” was held at the Crowell Gallery in Newfane, Vermont which ran for the month of July 2023. She has participated in shows around the Valley over the last few years. You can see Nancy’s paintings hanging in various shops in Southern Vermont.

In addition to her painting, Nancy is also the creator of the popular “Lamp” comic. You can find Lamp on his Fan Page on Facebook.

Nancy works in her home studio in Brookline Vermont as well as her rolling studio when traveling during the winter months. 802.380.0464 [email protected] 

Nancy Libby


[email protected]